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Texas Residents Receiving Jail Time For Failure To Repay Loans 1/19/2015

“… From Dianna Thompson (who once debated the head of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement) “…I have always been against debtors prison because society holds non-custodial parents paying child support, mostly fathers, to an unattainable standard to never become physically or mentally ill, never get disabled, and to never lose a job or get laid off in a poor economy. How does throwing somebody in jail — make them more “capable” of paying a debt?…” Now…..states are starting to use debtor prisons for failure to repay loans. 

Read the entire article:–dt_20150102-cid_34271-Did_5100190-ad_JDJ%7EMMNA-logid_%5BMCTS_CESLOGID%5D