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Olympics 2012: As colleges struggle to support non-revenue sports, theUnited States’s Olympic future is threatened

By The Washington Post 6/2/2012

“…“Over the past 30 years, college wrestling has lost 45 percent of itsDivision I teams — down from 146 in 1981-82 to 80 in 2010-11, according tofigures compiled by the NCAA….Men’s gymnastics has been hit even harder, withjust 16 Division I teams remaining from the 59 that existed in 1981-82. That’sa drop of nearly 73 percent…. But in other cases, there’s a direct correlation between the coaching on college playing fields and Olympic glory. It’sparticularly strong in women’s team sports, which exploded in the decadesfollowing the passing of Title IX, the federal law mandating equal opportunityin educational settings…. “

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