Thank you for your interest in submitting an article for the “Articles By Expert Contributors” section of the Men’s E-News Library. We accept article submissions on a wide variety of topics relevant to the health and well being of men, boys, and their families.
Terms and Conditions of Publication
- All material submitted to Men’s E-News is considered for educational purposes and on the understanding that all authors agree to the Men’s E-News article submission policy.
- If you submit an article it must be your own work. If it does NOT belong to you, then we must have written authorization from the author to publish the article. If your article is copyrighted material, please DO NOT submit it unless you have permission to use the material. Articles you submit to Men’s E-News may have been published elsewhere first.
General Article Submission Guidelines
- Please send all submissions as plain text. We accept attachments but cannot guarantee that we can open all files sent to us — and we are not responsible for files that cannot be opened or read.
- All articles will be reviewed by the editorial staff before being posted. The time frame for reviewing your article will be 7 -10 business days. You will be notified via e-mail after the review is complete.
- Articles are intended to be educational, informative, and beneficial to visitors to our website. We seek article submissions that are research based, scholarly, peer reviewed, or include stats and data with verifiable facts. Ideally, links to the source material would be included. Articles can include quotes from other experts, from news articles or sources, and from research/studies.
- We do not accept articles that call for the direct defeat or passage of any federal or state legislation or political candidate.
- We do not accept articles that are opinion based that don’t serve any educational purpose, or have any substantial facts, or research, to back up the opinions. Our Facebook is available for visitors to express their opinions, post comments, and ask questions.
- Articles can include an “About the Author” section (a small paragraph in length) that identifies the author’s professional credentials. This section will appear at the end of the article and may also include contact information or website information for the author.
Style Guidelines
- Men’s E-News will most likely post articles that follow the “General Article Submission Guidelines” and are well-written, educational, informative, and free of grammatical and spelling errors.
- Please do not send draft copies of your work. We only accept completed articles ready to be posted.
- Please keep submissions under 2000 words. Exceptions may be made on a case-by case basis, subject to the editorial board’s approval.
- Graphic images must be in jpg or gif format and can be maximum (width x height – size): 600×700 – 2000 KB.
Men’s E-News reserves the right to add a disclaimer both in the Article Section — and at the end of any article that releases us of any liability based on your article topic. We reserve the right to make editing changes, although authors will be informed about such changes for approval prior to posting.
Right of Refusal
Men’s E-News reserves the right to deny or delay publication of your article, or remove it from our website, for any reason, and at any time — especially in the event that it is determined that your article does not meet the article submission criteria. If an article is not publishable as submitted, our editorial board may work with the author to make necessary changes. Then the article can be resubmitted for editorial review.
Right to Change the Article Submission Policy
Men’s E-News may at any time revise our article submission policy. Authors are bound by these revisions and should therefore visit Men’s periodically to review the current version of the policy.
How to Submit your Article
If you wish to submit an article for consideration, send your article and your bio to Please include your contact information. Your article will be reviewed by the Men’s E-News Library editorial board. You will be notified in 7 -10 business days if your article will be added to the Library.
We wish to thank all of the authors who have submitted articles and have contributed articles to our library. Their willingness to share their expertise and experience with visitors to our website is very much appreciated
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