Dozens Of Bikers Escort A Bullied Child To School 6/28/2017“… The students at Harbourside Elementary School in Sydney, Nova Scotia, got a wake-up call this morning they’ll never forget…”Read
Students act up against bullying 6/14/2017 “… “Everyone was picking on me,” 14-year-old Rachel recalled last week, after a rehearsal for the theater group, which
Dealing with the bully 6/14/2017 “… Don’t brush off bullying as a rite of passage or that children need to toughen up as everyone
McAuliffe signs bills on suicide awareness, bullying investigations in Virginia schools 6/7/2017 “… Students at Forest Park High School have been leading a fight to raise suicide awareness in Prince William
Bullying Hurts Both Victims & Bullies Long After They’re Out Of School: 3 Things To Know From New Studies 5/31/2017 “… While reports of bullying in schools have decreased nationally over the past few years, new studies released this
School Bullying Is Down. Why Don’t Students Believe It? 5/17/2017 “… Every state now has laws against school bullying. In the past decade, many districts have overhauled discipline policies and created interventions to
5 Ways Being Bullied As A Child Affects Every Aspect Of Your Life In Your 20s 4/12/2017 “… If you are continuously bullied, you’re inflicted with a lot of shame. That shame makes you turn upon
The Psychology Of A Workplace Bully 3/29/2017 “… Bullying can turn an idyllic job into something you dread. Whether it’s your co-worker or a boss, dealing with
How Being Bullied Can Lead To Long-Term Health Problems 3/22/2017 “… Being bullied when you’re a child can leave some physical and psychological scars, but a new study shows
Bullying, Is Your Child A Victim? 3/1/2017 “… It could be a shove in the hallway at school, a mean spirited comment in the lunchroom, or