Child Care – FF Articles

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31 Jul: Parental alienation and the United Nations: is gender politics getting in the way of children’s wellbeing?

By The  Centre for Male Psychology, 07/29/2023 “…There isn’t a universally agreed definition, but according to Psychology Today, Parental Alienation…

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10 Jul: The Importance Of A Father In A Child’s Life: Why Do We Need Dad Around As We Grow Up?

By The Health Site, 06/19/2023 “…Research has consistently shown that children who have actively involved fathers tend to experience numerous…

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10 Jul: Florida gave unmarried fathers equal parental rights. Other states should do it, too

By Yahoo News, 06/26/2023 “…Florida’s new law that gives more parental rights to unmarried biological fathers should be copied across…

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21 Jun: New study shows the inequities of fatherhood and that children need involved dads.

By Courier-Journal, 06/13/2023 “…In the U.S., approximately 18.3 million children do not live with their fathers. Active fatherhood brings positive…

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21 Jun: What does it mean to be a ‘good’ dad? Here’s what parenting experts say

By CNBC, 06/14/2023 “…Only 5% of primary stay-at-home parents are men, according to U.S. Census data. Why is that?…” Read the…