Huffington Post 4/3/2017 “… The disparity between enforcement of failing to pay child support and custodial interference is particularly calamitous… 3/20/2017 “… A woman who concealed from her husband the fact that he was not the father of her son… 2/27/2017 “… Millions of U.S. fathers don’t live with their children. A new study suggests those who are behind in… 2/6/2017 “… Rather than providing support for children, the system often drives a wedge between families and creates unnecessary… 1/30/2017 “… There are many family law statutes that are either counterproductive or just outright nonsensical. The latest example of comes from… 1/30/2017 “… At $30 a day, times 35 individuals, times 30 days in a month, times 12 months in a… 1/16/2017 “… A man in Oklahoma is being forced to pay the child support for his cheating wife’s love child…. 1/02/2017 “… The Texas Attorney General’s office has collected more than $160,000 in child support statewide since unveiling a program earlier this… 12/5/2016 “… A Kansas judge has ruled that a Topeka man who donated sperm so two women could have a… 12/5/2016 “… A divorced father could be granted a $28,000 credit to reduce the amount he owed for unpaid child…