7/20/2015 “… A court battle between a divorced couple over the future of their frozen embryos began Monday with an… 6/1/2015 “… What kids from broken families seek out in the streets is what they often don’t get at… 5/11/2015 “… For the most part, these are not “deadbeat dads”; they’re dead broke dads. Seventy percent of unpaid child… 4/6/2015 “… The truth is that divorce does not have to affect your child’s ultimate success in life. All of… 3/30/2015 “… What I’ve learned from my experiences of divorce and remarriage, and from observing other couples, is that every couple has… 3/30/2015 “… I’ve come to realize, though, that it’s best for kids to spend plenty of time with both mom and… 3/16/2015 “… There are a lot of myths about divorce that keep infecting our society. For starters, despite what we’ve… 12/22/2014 “… Two thirds of people in their thirties and forties who live alone are men, and many of them… 12/11/2014 “… For Celebrity Clients, Professionals and Wealthy individuals, Even Backroom Meetings With Judges Can Become Front Page News. Knowing… 12/8/2014 “… “Those who married in the 2000s are so far divorcing at even lower rates. If current trends continue,…