Dailycaller.com 6/20/2016 “… For decades, Republicans have preached they’re “Pro-Family,” espousing traditional marriage as best. Emboldened by studies showing children fare…
Fatherhood.about.com 6/13/2016 “… Depending on your cicumstances this Father’s Day, here are a few tips about surviving and maybe even…
Adventistreview.org 6/6/2016 “… The joy and responsibility of fatherhood cannot be overstated; neither can the impact of an engaged father in…
Seattlemedium.com 5/2016 “… For the past six years, the 33-year-old veteran from Williamsport, Pennsylvania has been fighting what feels like a…
Dailycaller.com 5/23/2016 “… The already large and still growing collection of research confirming fathers’ importance shows that fatherlessness is a root…
Scientificamerican.com 5/16/2016 “… When men morph into fathers, they experience a neural revival that benefits their children. …” Read the entire…
Huffingtonpost.com 5/9/2016 “… Nothing changes you like becoming a parent. As you embark on the adventure of fatherhood, know that you’re not…
Yahoo.com 5/2/2016 “… Ferguson thinks that sexism hurts fathers and families in various subtle, insidious ways. “They [dads] can feel [like…
Pressherald.com 5/2/2016 “… Having a mom or dad behind bars can result in short- and long-term family disruption, poverty and instability….
Huffingtonpost.com 4/11/2016 “… It’s a manipulative version where divorced fathers are forced to play for their children while the mother controls…