Time.com 8/4/2014 “… “Research is showing that a father’s environment, his behavior and even his appearance can have a substantial effect…
Today.com 7/28/2014 “… I consider myself fortunate to be working for an employer who understands the demands of fatherhood. This hasn’t…
Huffington Post 7/14/2014 “… My son discovered the luminous blue bicycle on his fifth Christmas, next to the tree. That cold…
Journalstar.com 7/7/14 “… Twelve fathers, three from Lincoln, will be inducted into the Nebraska Fatherhood Hall of Fame Thursday during the…
Code Switch 6/13/2014 “… About two dozen dads — all African-Americans, ranging in age from their early 20s to late 40s…
The New York Times 6/17/2014 “… As every dad knows, fatherhood isn’t all fun and games. But our recent Father’s Day…
by Don Mathis 6/15/2014 “An acrostic is generally a poem or phrase in which the first letters spell out a…
by Paul Raeburn “Popular convention may dictate that the father’s role in the early development of his children pales in comparison…
by Etan Thomas“”. . .This fatherhood movement has been rapidly growing. What’s reaffirming to me is that the young men who…
by Rebecca Dube “TODAY surveyed 2,000 moms and dads for an exclusive look at what modern dads are really about. It’s…