By “For fathers who either don’t have custody of their children or who have a joint custody arrangement, there…
By Babble 2/25/2013 “…Dad bloggers are engaged in a war against the Caveman Archetype. You know what I’m talking about:…
By Times UK 2/25/2013 “A father-of-three has set up a group for fellow dads to take part in activity sessions…
By NYC Dads Group 2/19/2013 “…Not surprising, increased numbers of research studies (mentioned below) are focusing on family and career…
By Los Angeles Times 2/17/2013 “…These men have formed a street-level support group, raw and uncensored. Their goal? Becoming what…
By The New York Times 2/10/2013 “The magazine seems to seek young, urban creative types, both as subjects and as…
By Wayne Parker – “…Whether you have daughters or sons or both, Valentine’s Day can be a good excuse…
By BBC 1/26/2013 “…Older fathers are no longer unusual. For the past 10 years, statistics show that nearly two-thirds of…
By Wayne Parker – “To Own a Dragon is Don Miller’s retrospective on the challenges of growing up fatherless…
By Wayne Parker – “There is no question that children who grow up in fatherless homes have a much…