Parental Alienation – FF Articles

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14 Mar: The Rise of Father Absence and Its Attendant Social Ills

By Quillette, 03/07/2023 “…Men’s investment in their children is one of the most remarkable features of the human family. Such…

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06 Mar: New research finds that teens are more resilient when fathers are present

By PsyPost, 02/13/2023 “…A new study published in Psychological Reports highlights the role fathers play in adolescent resilience. Study author…

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05 Feb: Study discovers link between poor co-parenting, depression in fathers

By ANI, 01/28/2023 “…According to a new study from Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet, men who have bad co-parenting relationships in the…

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05 Feb: Our Fathers, Ourselves: Healing the Family Father Wound

By Psychology Today, 02/01/2023 “…According to the National Center for Fathering, “More than 20 million children live in a home…

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19 Jan: Change the law to make it fairer for fathers

By New York Daily News, 12/26/2022 “…The bill fixes a law that dates back to the time when children of…

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04 Oct: How to Counter False Allegations of Abuse in Divorce Cases

By PR Newswire, 09/29/2022 “…It is estimated that anywhere from 2% to 35% of cases involving children are muddled by…

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26 Jul: America’s Epidemic of Fatherlessness Didn’t Happen by Accident

By Edward E. Bartlett – CNS News, 06/21/2022 “…Prager U personality Amala Ekpunobi did a video revealing the United States…