Parenting – FF Articles

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05 Feb: Our Fathers, Ourselves: Healing the Family Father Wound

By Psychology Today, 02/01/2023 “…According to the National Center for Fathering, “More than 20 million children live in a home…

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19 Jan: Change the law to make it fairer for fathers

By New York Daily News, 12/26/2022 “…The bill fixes a law that dates back to the time when children of…

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19 Jan: Fathers have been older than mothers for the past 250,000 years, study finds

By Euronews, 01/16/2023 “…A great many things have changed for humanity since the first of our species appeared on Earth….

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03 Jan: Dads who are involved in their sons’ upbringing also shape their testosterone. And this could have big implications for paternal care

By ZME Science, 11/14/2022 “…a new study found that boys whose fathers were present and involved with their upbringing when…