12/16/2014 “… Because the common cold and influenza share similar symptoms, many people are unable to differentiate between the two….
NJ Herald 12/11/2014 “… Our Mowvember article featuring writer Robert Cubby finally published in the NJ Herald. Robert Cubby took part… 12/11/2014 “… Men are notorious for ignoring health problems. Complaining about aches and pains somehow seems unmanly to many guys. That’s… 11/18/2014 “… Everybody knows that exercise is good for you, but other than its obvious health benefits, what else is… 11/11/2014 “… The male Y chromosome may have a role in prolonging men’s lives and fighting cancer, scientists have said. Research… 10/28/2014 “… Here’s the latest scary fact about your health, fresh on your Facebook feeds and in the morning paper: Drinking… 9/23/2014 “… Since you already dread your annual visits to the dentist, you’ll have to start paying more attention to… 8/19/2014 “… Your day is fraught with peril—from the dumbphone that bloops while you’re driving to the NSFW website that…
Fox News 6/24/2014 “… Admit it, guys: You don’t even like going to the doctor when there’s something wrong, let alone…
CNN 6/24/2014 “… Four days before Baylor University basketball star Isaiah Austin hoped to be drafted into the NBA, his dreams…