By Health Canal 8/28/2012 “Men who have been treated for prostate cancer, either with surgery or radiation, could benefit from…
By Health Canal 8/25/2012 “…A new study published in The Journal of Urology® reports that in the “PSA era,” survival…
By Spire Healthcare 8/15/2012 “…the expert has been keen to underline that prostate cancer is only one of three serious…
By MSNBC 8/10/2012 “When it comes to eating meat, a guy’s choice of what he eats and how it is…
By US News & World Report 8/10/2012 “Though prostate cancer makes the news a lot, much of the information seems…
By The Globe and Mail 7/30/2012 “Similar to the role of BRCA 1 and 2 screening for prostate cancer risk,…
By Fox News 7/30/2012 “Screening for prostate cancer using the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is controversial, but stopping this screening…
By CBS News 7/19/2012 “Men with early-stage prostate cancer often face a difficult choice as to treatment: Do they opt…
By Harvard Health Publications 7/2/2012 “…The FDA has approved a new kind of PSA test for prostate cancer.” Read the entire…
By Fox News 7/2/2012 “One in 20 men who have their prostate gland removed may need a second surgery for…