By BBC 9/7/2012 “Sex is everywhere in modern society – but why are women doing all the talking about it,…
By The Daily Beast 10/19/2012 “…What would happen if birth control were provided to women free of charge? A lot…
By Medical XPress 10/12/2012 “A study by the University at Buffalo shows for the first time that obese males ages…
By All Africa 10/12/2012 “…The making the long-awaited male contraceptive pill is a step closer to fruition, scientists have claimed….
By Huffington Post 9/25/2012 “…So we’ve been thinking about this, and, in our new book, The Chemistry Between Us: Love,…
By CBS Tampa 9/14/2012 “Results of a study recently conducted at the University of Amsterdam show that those who are…
By Stanford Magazine September/October 12 Issue “…In a 2002 survey of 9,000 men across four continents, 55 percent said they would…
By Medical News Today 9/6/2012 “A recent study, published in the journal Cell and conducted by a team of researchers,…
By Daily Mail 8/28/2012 “Dream of fatherhood for thousands of infertile men a step closer as scientists ‘grow’ sperm from…
By Medical News Today 8/28/2012 “…A new study led by scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National…