Weight Loss – HF Articles


13 May: This empowering photoshoot is making an important point about male body image

By Yahoo News, 05/15/2024 “…Until now Jane’s battle to fight against stereotypical ideas of beauty has mainly focussed on women,…

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19 Nov: International Men’s Day 2023: Why it is celebrated on November 19

By DNA, 11/18/2023 “…International Men’s Day, observed on November 19, is a global celebration honoring men’s contributions to society, families,…

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20 Jul: Investigating the XY factor in disease

By Axios, 07/13/2023 “…Scientists are beginning to understand how sex chromosomes and hormones affect people’s risk for certain diseases —…

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25 Apr: Men’s health research

By Kaiser Permanente, 01/30/2023 “…Men in the United States are at risk for a variety of acute and chronic health…


05 Jan: National Men’s Health Strategy 2020–2030

By Health.gov.au “…This strategy outlines Australia’s national approach to improving the health of men and boys – particularly those at…

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06 Oct: Longevity: New clues on how gender, age, other genetic factors may impact lifespan

By Medical News Today, 09/29/2022 “…Although no one can predict how long they will live, factors like genetics Trusted Source,…

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16 Aug: Why are men at higher risk of cancer? Biological differences may be at play

By Robby Berman – Medical News Today, 08/14/2022 “…The analysis suggests that biological differences between the two sexes account for…

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15 Jul: What Is Exacerbating Male Health Inequality?

By The HRD, 07/17/2022 “…New research* highlights the fact that twenty-five per cent of employers do not offer any male-specific…