Women’s Health – HF Articles


10 Jun: Why women should be fierce advocates for men’s health

By Review Journal, 06/07/2024 “…June is designated as Men’s Health Month. It is such a crucial issue, and yet it…

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19 Nov: U.S. women now live 6 years longer than men—and a lack of male-targeted mental health care might be to blame

By Fortune, 11/16/2023 “…Researchers examined mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics and found that in pre-pandemic years,…

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20 Jul: Investigating the XY factor in disease

By Axios, 07/13/2023 “…Scientists are beginning to understand how sex chromosomes and hormones affect people’s risk for certain diseases —…

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25 Apr: HPV Vaccines Don’t Just Prevent Cervical Cancer, But Also Penile, Anal Cancers. Men Should Get it Too.

By The Swaddle, 03/29/2023 “…With research suggesting that HIV-positive men, who are in sexual relationships with other men, are especially…