9/30/2015 “… A former Vernon RCMP officer facing charges of child pornography appeared in court Wednesday during closing arguments in… 9/16/2015 “… At first glance, the text messages appear to show a disturbing case of cyberbullying: one teen urging… 7/15/2015 “… Approximately 600,000 of these missing men are behind bars, the majority of whom are serving time for nonviolent… 8/11/2014 “When bill co-author Assemblymember Bonnie Lowenthal (D-Long Beach) was asked how an innocent person is to prove he…
By The Washington Post 4/24/2014 “Before she was sentenced Thursday to a maximum of six years in a state juvenile…
By SF Gate 3/31/2014 “During opening arguments in Trujillo’s trial on murder charges, Mickelson said the 45-year-old’s anger and aggression…
By CBS 3/27/2014 “Before he was arrested and indicted on numerous federal charges Wednesday, including allegations of gun running, State…
By USA Today 3/27/2014 “A federal judge sentenced a Montana bride to 30 years in prison Thursday for pushing her…
By Santa Barbara Independent 3/18/2014 “Mireille Miller-Young Said She Had ‘Moral Right’ to Take and Destroy Anti-Abortion Activists’ Sign” Read the…
By The Washington Times 3/13/2014 “Hundreds of federal prosecutors over the past decade have committed serious misconduct, but the Justice …