By Beacon News 3/14/2013 “After years of sounding the alarm bell to deaf ears, men’s rights advocate Earl Silverman has…
By Don Dutton and Katherine R. White – Open Journal Systems “…Due to this set of beliefs called the “gender…
By The Guardian 9/4/2010 “Campaign group Parity claims assaults by wives and girlfriends are often ignored by police and media”…
By Huffington Post 2/6/2013 “The socially conservative Family Research Council asked supporters to help it oppose the reauthorization of the…
By Morning Sentinel 2/2/2013 “…”The equal protection issue wouldn’t exist if the certified batterers’ intervention rule were gender-neutral,” Hess said….
By Robert Franklin – The Hill 2/4/2013 “…VAWA’s detriments are too numerous to deal with here, but surely if we’re…
By Robert Franklin, Esq. – News With Views 1/26/2013 “…The DV establishment would prefer that VAWA be reauthorized without examination…
By Harry Crouch – NCFM 1/21/2013 “USNEWS HEALTH reported that the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended that all women…
By Washington Post 1/11/2013 “…One reader wrote to me and Matthews, however, to say that it was distorted, misleading and…
By Mark Mahnkey – Herald Net 1/12/2013 “…According to a Harvard University study of mandatory arrest, “Intimate partner homicides increased…