Ynaija.com 5/17/2017 “… Yes, men are also victims of domestic violence and it happens far more often than you probably expect. Men…
Huffingtonpost.com 5/10/2017 “… Estimates of the total percentage of domestic violence victims who are men range between one third and 40 per cent….
Huffingtonpost.com 5/3/2017 “… The Centers for Disease Control has reported a rise in the rates of violence against men, saying that one…
Huffingtonpost.com 4/26/2017 “… One in three men are victims of sexual assault, family violence and abuse with 94% of perpetrators of partner violence…
Telegraph.co.uk 4/19/2017 “… We need to acknowledge that the barriers abused men face are not only attributable to a lack of…
Attn.com 04/12/2017 “… One in four men will experience some form of partner violence during his lifetime, according to the National Coalition…
Politics.co.uk 3/29/2017 “… But male survivors have their own reasons for caution. Many fear they will be shamed for failing to…
Timesofmalta.com 3/22/2017 “… Men made around one in every four reports of domestic violence in recent years, official figures show. Police have…
Metro.co.uk 3/15/2017 “… Male victims of domestic abuse find it harder to access help. Many fear they will be ridiculed or…
Whowhatwhy.org 3/8/2017 “… Despite the data, many people remain unaware or unsympathetic to the reality that men are often victims of…