10/12/2016 “… The University of Virginia has apparently forced an engineering and business professor to take a leave of absence because he… 6/15/2016 “… The Michigan Senate passed a bill that effectively bans all forms of sodomy, anal, oral, gay and non-gay —… 5/25/2016 “… In a rebuke to a feminist idea that has migrated from college campuses to mainstream culture, an influential… 5/4/2016 “… The Campus Accountability and Safety Act, being billed as a bipartisan response to rape on college campuses, is… 4/20/2016 “… Since 2011, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has blatantly violated college students’ rights to free… 4/20/2016 “… The OCR directives contained in the 2011 DCL greatly threaten our rights to free speech and due process on our…
20 Apr: Conservative Student Can Sue University For Punishing Him For His Views, Liberal Court Rules 4/20/2016 “… Students with unpopular views on campus often have trouble defending themselves against complaints that their speech constitutes harassment or… 10/21/2015 “… Today the New York Times published a balanced news story that inadvertently revealed the stupidity of “Yes Means Yes” policies. …” Read the entire… 10/14/2015 “… Colleges and universities have adjudicated countless allegations of sexual assault among their students despite their lack of both… 10/14/2015 “… Just as Congress has begun taking an interest in how universities handle sexual-assault charges, a state court in…