10/14/2015 “… A California appeals court has ruled that public colleges and universities have no responsibility to protect students from… 10/7/2015 “… Sexual assault on college campuses is a problem. The University of Virginia resolution agreement highlights a few policies, which are not… 9/23/2015 “… The Senate Judiciary Committee is set to hold a hearing Wednesday morning on the standards that law enforcement… 9/2/2015 “… To combat wrongful accusations of sexual assault on college campuses, a pro-due process group is distributing flyers meant… 8/19/2015 “… The National District Attorneys Association has come out in favor of the Safe Campus Act, a bill that would increase… 8/19/2015 “… This should terrify any parent whose son is about to head off to college or is presently matriculating… 8/5/2015 “… Critics of the bill under consideration, the Campus Accountability and Safety Act, had to resort to filing their… 7/22/2015 “… Some members of the D.C. city council would like to force universities to take a “Scarlet Letter” (WaPost’s… 7/15/2015 “… This week marked the first time someone in the national media reported that due process is under attack at colleges… 6/17/2015 “… Affirmative Consent laws and policies are making their way through the states – We will be tracking the “Yes…