Washingtonpost.com 2/18/2015 “…After all, our respect for First Amendment freedoms is one of the few values that still rises above…
Examiner.com 2/18/2015 “… NPR receives taxpayer subsidies based on its false pretense of objectivity and accuracy. Its departing ombudsman, Edward Schumacher-Matos, recently declared…
Cei.org 2/11/2015 “…Moreover, OCR has micromanaged college investigations in sexual harassment and assault cases in ways that make them more…
Kcet.org 2/11/2015 “… In the wake of the Michael Brown and Ezell Ford shootings, California lawmakers are urging for the need…
Reason.com 2/4/2015 “…Even supporters of affirmative admit that it violates due process rights. When asked how an innocent student could…
Huffingtonpost.com 2/4/2015 “…As universities and colleges face heightened scrutiny over their handling of campus rape, two Democratic senators want to…
Wnd.com 1/30/2015 “… California state judges have been banned from working with youth organizations such as the Boy Scouts that practice…
Dailycaller.com 1/28/2015 Written by Dianna Thompson and Cynthia P. Garrett, Esq. “… By inviting Ms Sulkowicz to accompany her, Senator…
Mindingthecampus.com 1/28/2015 “… Apart from Claire McCaskill, no senator has more aggressively advocated weakening due process protections for students accused of…
Thedailybell.com 1/14/2015 “… Microaggression. The word may soon be knocking on your door to demand supplication or another form of payment….