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21 Jul: ‘Equal Pay Day’ This Year Was March 15 — the Next ‘Equal Occupational Fatality Day’ Won’t Be Until September 18, 2032

By AEI, 03/30/2023 “…“Equal Occupational Fatality Day” tells us how many years and days into the future women will be…

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20 Jul: Investigating the XY factor in disease

By Axios, 07/13/2023 “…Scientists are beginning to understand how sex chromosomes and hormones affect people’s risk for certain diseases —…

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10 Jul: The Importance Of A Father In A Child’s Life: Why Do We Need Dad Around As We Grow Up?

By The Health Site, 06/19/2023 “…Research has consistently shown that children who have actively involved fathers tend to experience numerous…

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10 Jul: Florida gave unmarried fathers equal parental rights. Other states should do it, too

By Yahoo News, 06/26/2023 “…Florida’s new law that gives more parental rights to unmarried biological fathers should be copied across…