News from the Web


16 Jun: Single fathers struggling to make ends meet are facing a lack of resources and options

By 21 News, 06/13/2024 “…With Father’s Day just around the corner, it’s a celebration for many dads and families. However,…


16 Jun: Why Married Fathers Matter

By Institute for Family Studies, 06/14/2024 “…In fact, a new study finds that boys who don’t reside with their married…


16 Jun: New study shows 1 in 3 divorced Ohio dads will not spend Father’s Day with their children

By Mahoning Matters, 06/15/2024 “…A new study was published showing that about 34% of divorced dads in Ohio will not…


10 Jun: U. Buffalo rewrites ‘minority and women’ business program after federal complaint

By The College Fix, 03/15/2024 “…He said this is just another example of when a university creates a new program…