News from the Web

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12 Sep: Cleveland Clinic Survey Examines the Current State of Men’s Health in America

By Cleveland Clinic, 09/06/2023 “…In the survey, 81% of American men said they believe they are leading a healthy lifestyle….

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24 Aug: Men are leaving occupations increasingly taken up by women, finds study

By Phys, 01/24/2023 “…Many women and men still work in sex-typed occupations. One important reason for this is that men…

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24 Aug: A Crusade to End ‘Reverse Discrimination’

By Chronicle, 07/11/2023 “…The office investigated and concluded that, while Minnesota maintained that the program was open to males, its…

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24 Aug: College Gender Gap Starts Early and Extends across Races

By PPIC “… Based on current rates of enrollment and graduation, 36% of women in California will earn a bachelor’s…