- Growing Compassion for Men & Boys
- Gen Z grad says being unemployed is ‘harder than a 9-5’ because ‘most workers would have a breakdown’ dealing with the admin—he’s among the NEET men frozen out of the workforce
- Men and boys matter: Psychology professor reveals hidden issues
- Fewer men in rural Wisconsin participating in the workforce, citing lack of respect on the job
- Florida coach Todd Golden cleared in Title IX investigation regarding sexual harassment allegations
Don’t let money bust up your marriage 10/13/2017“… Finances rank as the biggest trouble spot for relationships…”Read the entire article:
How to relaunch your life after a divorce 10/10/2017 “…. When your divorce is finally final, how do you begin again?…” Read the entire article:
Can Divorce Destroy Your Retirement? 10/13/2017 “…. If you’re getting a divorce, you probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about how it will
Financial planning for divorce — it’s not just for women 10/09/2017 “…. Getting divorced is both complicated and challenging…” Read the entire article:–its-not-just-for-women.html
North Dakota Shared Parenting Study Exposes Unbalanced System 10/09/2017 “…. The results show an unbalanced system of justice in the state….” Read the entire article:
Child Can Intervene in Parents’ Divorce Seeking Money for College 8/21/2017 “… A child can intervene in his parents’ marital settlement agreement to enforce a provision that directly benefits him,
3 ways parents can protect their children during a divorce 8/21/2017 “… It is no secret divorces can get downright contentious — often because the stakes are so high financially
Kentucky Shared Parenting Law Shows Power Of Grassroots Activism 8/07/2017 “… There are far too many depressing stories about the challenges fathers face after divorce…” Read the entire article:
What 5 years of divorce have taught me 8/1/2017 “… As milestones go, it’s not much. A relatively short amount of time, a fairly somber occasion. But I’ve
‘No bail jail:’ Simple divorce disputes resulting in jail time for some 8/1/2017 “… Colorado couples go through about 22,000 divorces a year, most turning to the courts to settle all sorts