- Courts In Mississippi Could Soon View Custody With Fathers in Focus
- Father’s Remarriage Can’t Stand Against Claim For Child Custody; Grandparents Can’t Have Better Claim Than Him: SC
- Clearwater woman fires gun at child’s father after custody exchange: CPD
- Revised parental custody bill raises questions at legal committee
- Parental custody bill would prioritize Mother’s and Father’s Day
Sex trafficking affects males too, and a Denton charity wants to help
By Dallas Morning News 02/10/2020“… In 2008, the Department of Justice studied commercial sexual exploitation of children in New York
Testosterone Has Different Effect in Men and Women
By Steven Reinberg – Web MD 02/10/2020 “… High levels of the sex hormone testosterone may trigger different health problems
Older women are frailer but more resilient than men, study shows
By The Daily News 01/26/2020 “… Women are more resilient and have a longer life expectancy than men, despite the
Sexist’ chip shop boss rejects male job seeker who was born a woman because he says female staff ‘are better and work harder’
By Rob Ardehali – Daily Mail Online 10/22/2019 “… A ‘sexist’ chip shop boss rejected a male job seeker because
Masculinity Is Masking Anxiety
By Andrew Zaleski – Elemental 11/05/2019 “… But psychologists and researchers who study anxiety note that it’s men with anxiety
State of Health Report Shows Growing Despair Among American Men
By Alexandre Tanzi – Bloomberg 10/29/2019 “… Life expectancy at birth for males declined to 76.1 years in 2017 from
University’s LGBT Month programming celebrates half a dozen queer identities. Gay men are not one of them.
By Maria Lencki – The College Fix 10/17/2019 “… The programming covers well-known LGBT variants such as lesbianism and bisexuality,
Why having a beard will damage your job prospects: Firms fear candidates sporting facial hair lack warmth and the ability to get on with colleagues
By Pat Hagan – Daily Mail 10/19/2019 “… Candidates sporting facial hair at interviews may be regarded as less employable
WALSH: Court Rules That A Mom Can ‘Transition’ Son Into Girl Against His Dad’s Wishes. This Is Evil, Insane Child Abuse.
By Matt Walsh – The Daily Wire 10/22/2019 “… Jeff has been locked in a bitter court battle with his
Hotel With ‘No Men Allowed’ Policy Opens
By Cameron Frew – Unilad 10/02/2019 “… The only exception is the employees – in line with Spanish gender discrimination