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NCFM Carolina’s: Forum On Campus Sexual Assault, Due Process And Consent

The National Coalition For Men Carolinas, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, non-partisan human rights advocacy organization, is pleased to announce the Forum on Campus Sexual Assault, Consent and Due Process  to be held August 1, 2016 at Central Piedmont Community College Central Campus in Charlotte, NC. The Forum will consist of prominent experts who will share insight into how universities are handling the complex and often confusing issues of Title IX related sexual misconduct cases, consent and due process.


With mounting political pressure applied by the federal government to get tough on campus sexual assault and fearful of losing federal funding, universities are removing male students from campus in record numbers with the highest risk associated with male students of color, fraternity members and male athletes.

Buoyed by the Administration’s dramatic expansion of the scope of Title IX and the issuance of the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Dear Colleague letters on harassment (issued October 23, 2010) and sexual violence (issued April 4, 2011), allegations of sexual misconduct are becoming commonplace on college campuses resulting in what many describe as kangaroo court processes that presume guilt and deny adequate due process for accused students. 

This forum is designed to take a critical look into the impact that the Dear Colleague letters are having on college campuses, students and the problematic issues surrounding the handling of sexual misconduct allegations by institutions of higher education.


·         At Risk Students: The State of Today’s College Campus Environment,Gregory Josefchuk, President – National Coalition For Men Carolinas

·         How Should Colleges Handle Sexual Assault?, Wendy McElroy, Feminist and Author of “Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage Done to Men and Women”

·         Defending Campus Sexual Assault Cases, Eric Rosenberg, Esq. defense attorney; John W. Gresham, Esq., civil litigation attorney

·         Sexual Paranoia: The Ideology of ‘Rape Culture’ Hysteria, Robert Stacy McCain, former assistant national editor & reporter for The Washington Times

  • Title IX: Guilty Until Proven Innocent, Kerry Sutton, Esq., and Steve Lindsay, Esq., defense attorneys

·         Affirmative Consent: Redefining Sex as Rape, Ashe Schow, journalist for the Washington Examiner

·         Falsely Accused – A Student’s Perspective, Brandon; Will 

·         Panel Discussion: Campus Sexual Assault, Due Process & Consent – all presenter’s

Who Should Attend?

College students, fraternity members, athletes, high school students, parents, counselors, educators, administrators, attorneys, law professionals, due process advocates, and interested campus or community personnel. 

Registration and Cost

Registration costs are waived for attendees. Online registration is required. Tickets can be picked up at the registration table the morning of the event. Seating is limited. 

Dates and Location

August 1, 2016 from 9am – 3:30pm (registration desk opens at 8:30am to pick up tickets)

Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) – Central Campus

Room 301 (Central High Building)

1141 Elizabeth Ave., Charlotte, NC 28204