The Anti-Campus Sexual Assault Movement Is Elitist 10/21/2015“… If one wanted to find a blatant example of wealthy, privileged people getting their own justice system they can
For Students Accused Of Campus Rape, Legal Victories Win Back Rights 10/21/2015 “… As colleges have been cracking down on campus sexual assault, some students have been complaining that schools are
Rethinking How We Deal With Campus Sexual Assault 10/7/2015 “… As the 2015 freshmen class navigates their first semester, sexual assault at our nation’s colleges and universities remains
Gender Matters More For Perpetrators Than Victims In Child Sex Abuse 9/16/2015 “… There has been a great deal of outrage over the past couple of weeks regarding the alleged discrimination
Rep. Jared Polis Thinks Colleges Should Be Able To Expel Students When They’re Only 20% Sure A Rape Happened 9/16/2015 “… Forget preponderance of evidence—Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colorado) wonders why campus rape adjudicators don’t use an even lower standard of proof
Men’s Basketball Team At USU-Eastern Suspended After Allegations Of Sexual Assault On Price Campus 9/16/2015 “… The entire men’s basketball team at Utah State University-Eastern has been suspended from practice and other team activities
Woman Arrested For Filing 28 False Child Abuse Reports In Florida 9/2/2015 “… A Florida woman was recently arrested for making too many false charges of child abuse to the Florida Department of
Ohio State Counts ‘Staring’ As ‘Sexual Harassment’ 9/2/2015 “… According to Ohio State University policy, both “staring” and “brushing against a person’s body” can count as
Columbia Wants Judge To Toss Suit By Emma Sulkowicz’s Accused Rapist 9/2/2015 “… Columbia University on Friday asked a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit by a recent graduate who
Sexual Assault Bill Allowing Punishment For Off-Campus Offenses Passes Unanimously 8/26/2015 “… SB 186, introduced by Jackson in February, would allow California community colleges to discipline students for off-campus sexual