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The Children’s Rights Fund for Maryland Fundraiser Event!

For More Info:

The Children’s Rights Fund for Maryland

Invites you to our next fundraiser event on…

*Tuesday, October 29th, 2013*

All Day Event! 10:00am – 9:00pm

Franklin’s Restaurant
5121 Baltimore Avenue (Route 1)
Hyattsville, Maryland

Twenty percent (20%) of all meals, store purchases, and sales go to the Children’s Rights Fund. Please let your waiter and/or cashier know that you elect
to donate to the fund when you visit Franklin’s Restaurant in Hyattsville, MD.

*Special Event: Please join co-directors, David L. Levy and David W. Smith, Sr. later that evening from 7:00-9:00pm for the special event we will host
at Franklin’s Restaurant. There will be free appetizers, soft drinks and updates on our tremendous progress!


The Children’s Rights Fund for Maryland


The Maryland Commission on Child Custody Decision Making will begin working and holding public hearings this Fall. David L. Levy was appointed by the Governor to
represent the Children’s Rights Fund, as he will serve on the Commission. Mr. Levy brings expertise, knowledge and experience to the table…just the tools
this Commission needs to support our efforts towards the “best interest” and equality for children and families.

Who are we?

The vision of the Children’s Rights Fund is to improve the outcomes for joint custody (equal parenting) in the state of Maryland. 

David L. Levy is a nationally known advocate for children who has successfully helped bring joint custody to various states during the 24 years (1985-2009) he
headed the Children’s Rights Council. Mr. Levy has testified more than 20 times before Congressional committees about the needs of children of divorce, and was
named one of “the 25 most influential people in the lives of children” by Children’s Health magazine, Fall 2009. He is a known advocate for children whose parents
are divorced, separated or never-married.

David W. Smith Sr. is an educator for children in the Maryland Public School System; Mr. Smith is also a father who has been a strong advocate for joint custody
(equal parenting) for several years and has worked tirelessly in the Maryland legislature and around the state to help bring about reform for children and families.

We have come a long way!

In April, 2013, the Maryland legislature overwhelmingly passed HB687, which creates a Commission that will hold five (5) hearings around the state this Fall.
The 2013 goal of the Children’s Rights Fund and The Commission is to review ALL aspects of Maryland family law. The Commission will recommend changes by
the end of December 2013, which the Maryland legislature will consider passing into law in January, 2014. We thank Darrell Carrington, our lobbyist, for
his incredible help in getting this bill to become law. 

Champions for our cause:
Darrell Carrington – Lobbyist
Franklyn Malone, CEO, The 100 Fathers, Inc.
Judge Arthur L. Burnett, Sr.
David Washington, CEO, F.A.I.R
Dr. Jeffery Johnson, CEO, NPCL
CaFE – Children and Family Equality
Vernon Wallace – Center for Urban Families
Aaron Bates – father & advocate

David L. Levy, J.D.
4212 Jefferson Street
Hyattsville, MD 20781

David W. Smith Sr.
5712 Nevada Street
Berwyn Heights, MD 20740

Please contact us for information on future fundraisers or to contribute/donate to the cause via pay‐pal, check or money order. Please make contributions
payable to Children’s Rights Fund and send to the attention of David L. Levy or David W. Smith Sr. for deposit into a special account at Wells Fargo Bank.
(Contributions are not tax deductible).

The Children’s Rights Fund for Maryland is registered with the state of Maryland under #EIN-12‐8289957.